Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Godfather
   I am not quite sure how people dont like the godfather, its an american classic. It shows a very deep look inside the major crime families that controlled the country. While the Don is still a criminal, he is still considered the moral of the godfather. He protects, and sometimes has to due in a jurassic measures in order to keep his family protected. When he died in the tomato garden, think the world became a worse place. His son Michael took all of his fathers advise into consideration, and valued his opinion very much. When he died, I think the last little bit of compassion and care Michael had went away with him. Watching it from the inside out it showes how strong the family bond is in Itilian culture. The thing that makes this movie so good to me is that its real, it shows the good and bad. 


  1. I agree with you so much Corey about "It shows a very deep look inside the major crime families that controlled the country. While the Don is still a criminal, he is still considered the moral of the godfather. He protects, and sometimes has to due in a jurassic measures in order to keep his family protected." He was all about business and keeping his family safe, great post.

  2. I like your comment when you say "It shows a very deep look inside the major crime families that controlled the country." Makes you see how the cops and politicians were all in on the operations and illegal crimes that the families were taking part in. I also enjoy your comment about how strong the italian culture is and how they always stick together.
