Thursday, March 6, 2014


     Im not too sure how accurate this movie was, but it was defiantly entertaining. I heard a lot of good things about it but this was my first time actually seeing it. I think what Jackie Robinson did was not only good for the country, but for the world. He showed people that the color of your skin doesn't matter when it comes to playing sports. With him doing what he did, it gave young minorities something to look up to. Before him the thought of a black man playing pro baseball was crazy, but after accomplishing so much kids everywhere knew that if they had the talent to play in the big leagues they could. His values were and still are something everyone should use to help face barriers faced in life, being black in baseball his faced more criticism in that one season then some people do in their whole lives. But he never fought back with his fist, or insults. Just his skill, I think thats pretty cool how he always just kept playing ball and let that do the talking.

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