Thursday, March 6, 2014

A Cinderella Story

         I really enjoyed watching this movie, its a great example of a man who was at the end of the road. The depression was in full effect and he was struggling to just keep food on the table let alone roof over the heads of him and his family. But with preserving and dedication, he rose from the ashes to become a champion once again. This movie took a lot of criticism from Max Baers family because of the way he was portrayed, although they were unethical by making seem like he was a complete monster, every good cinderella story has a villain. In this case is happen to be Max Baer, in my opinon I dont think this is a big deal, its hollywood so everything is going to be exaggerated. With that in mind the family should cut the filmmakers a little slack. My favorite part of the movie was when he went to Maddison Square to ask his former friends for money. Some might think its pathetic, but I think this shows how much he wanted to provide for his family. He humbled himself so much to go and ask a group of men who shunned him, for support. 

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