Tuesday, March 18, 2014



   In my opinion this was a great movie because it kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time, I enjoyed the action. Even at times when they thought everything was safe, danger was just moments away. Also it showed how the suffering made all the people of the camps come together and corporate in order to survive. Tuvia says during the film, "Our revenge is to live." This is a very powerful statement, he doesn't want to stoop to the level of the nazi's by just killing. But instead fight, for their lives and their culture. I feel like revenge can be an act of humanity, like Tuvia said. Revenge doesn't necessarily have to be violent in order to get back at your enemy. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Godfather
   I am not quite sure how people dont like the godfather, its an american classic. It shows a very deep look inside the major crime families that controlled the country. While the Don is still a criminal, he is still considered the moral of the godfather. He protects, and sometimes has to due in a jurassic measures in order to keep his family protected. When he died in the tomato garden, think the world became a worse place. His son Michael took all of his fathers advise into consideration, and valued his opinion very much. When he died, I think the last little bit of compassion and care Michael had went away with him. Watching it from the inside out it showes how strong the family bond is in Itilian culture. The thing that makes this movie so good to me is that its real, it shows the good and bad. 
    Since this was the second time seeing this movie, I knew what the story of the 1980 olympic ice hockey team. I was still really excited when I found out we were going to watch this, being a sports fan and athlete this movie appealed to me a lot. Its a great depiction of how hard work really pays off. Although the team probably hated Herb a lot of the time, Im sure 100% of them would say it made them stronger people and built more team moral. This is the story of the 1980 USA hockey team that consisted of college kids, its considered a miracle because this team of amateur guys who some have never played with each other before. Goes up against the worlds best, some who have been together for a decade. The biggest game was against the Soviet Union, not just because they took out the best team in the world, but because we were at the height of the cold war. It was more then a victory in hockey, but a victory as a country. 

     Im not too sure how accurate this movie was, but it was defiantly entertaining. I heard a lot of good things about it but this was my first time actually seeing it. I think what Jackie Robinson did was not only good for the country, but for the world. He showed people that the color of your skin doesn't matter when it comes to playing sports. With him doing what he did, it gave young minorities something to look up to. Before him the thought of a black man playing pro baseball was crazy, but after accomplishing so much kids everywhere knew that if they had the talent to play in the big leagues they could. His values were and still are something everyone should use to help face barriers faced in life, being black in baseball his faced more criticism in that one season then some people do in their whole lives. But he never fought back with his fist, or insults. Just his skill, I think thats pretty cool how he always just kept playing ball and let that do the talking.
A Cinderella Story

         I really enjoyed watching this movie, its a great example of a man who was at the end of the road. The depression was in full effect and he was struggling to just keep food on the table let alone roof over the heads of him and his family. But with preserving and dedication, he rose from the ashes to become a champion once again. This movie took a lot of criticism from Max Baers family because of the way he was portrayed, although they were unethical by making seem like he was a complete monster, every good cinderella story has a villain. In this case is happen to be Max Baer, in my opinon I dont think this is a big deal, its hollywood so everything is going to be exaggerated. With that in mind the family should cut the filmmakers a little slack. My favorite part of the movie was when he went to Maddison Square to ask his former friends for money. Some might think its pathetic, but I think this shows how much he wanted to provide for his family. He humbled himself so much to go and ask a group of men who shunned him, for support.