Thursday, April 24, 2014



        Argo was a excellent movie, it might not have been the most historically accurate but it made for a good picture. Ben Affleck played the part of CIA agent very well even though he wasn't really as major as portrayed. By saying based on a true story, he was given a lot of liberties on the movie. While the filmmaker may have some responsibility to stay accurate to the story, and their main responsibility is to make money. Also with the current situation in the middle east, creating more turmoil in this region of the world might not be the best idea. 

Apollo 13

Apollo 13

   When I first saw this movie I didn't really like it. But after watching it again it grew on me a little,  I like how when it came down to it everyone everyone everyone up. The easy route would've been to just give up and die basically, but instead they found solution to their problems and ways to fix things that were broken. From 1958 to 2011, NASA's budget has averaged $9.928 billion a year. I think thats ridiculous, once upon a time there might have been a reason for the budget being so much. But in the modern modern era there's no reason we need to be spending that much when there a many other things taxpayers dollars could be goin toward. I don't think we need to stay ahead of any country, instead we should just get the best of the best from each country and work together. With more heads put together, we will learn more 



         The thing I liked most about Parkland is that it shows an inside look on what happened that day, all we ever see is the video of the actually assassination. Before watching this I didn't know anything about the doctors or even that much about Lee Harvey Oswald. I asked my grandmother about that day and just like you said, she knew exactly where she was, who she was with, and what she was doing. She told me that she was at work when it happened, she had on a green dress with a white blouse. She remembered seeing everyone crying as if it was the their father. She also told me she cried a little, people viewed him as a great leader and prime example of what a president should be. Thats why it hit people hard when he was assassinated. 

The Pianist

The Pianist
      I really enjoyed this movie, this was my third time seeing it. I get more out of it time, it shows how perseverance and hope can be life changing. I think the thing that really kept him going was the thought of the war ending, he just had to survice until then. I would like to think the compassion the Nazi officer showed toward Szpilman was sincere, but the war was basically over so i think he was just giving up on trying to enforce any Nazi laws. As for Szpilman, he had no choice but to trust him with his life. Also if the officer wanted to kill him he probably figured he would've just done it.