Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Introduction

  •  Corey Thomas
    • In one word I would describe myself as entertaining 
    • My interest include sports, and history. 
    • One of my favorite things about school is seeing my friends everyday. 
    • I dislike taking test and homework.
    • For a teacher to be considered my favorite they are usually pretty nice people who care a lot about the success of their students
    • Pretty high level of interest in history

My take on Humanity 

        In general I would say I'm proud of humanity, there is deff a lot of room for improvement but I think everyday people are changing for the better. Of course there are those people out there who set us back a few decades by some of there actions, but for the most part I think those who want to better society and make positive changes outweigh those who want to do the opposite.